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Law Firm Video Review: The Krist Law Firm

By Neil J. Squillante | Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Houston-based The Krist Law Firm uploaded a video last Thursday entitled Texas Helicopter Crash Lawyer Testimonial.

Although it could use some polish, this video serves as an excellent example of how law firms can and should use YouTube.

With a running time of 1:22, it's short but luxurious compared to the typical 30 second TV spot. The Krist Law Firm uses the additional length wisely.

The first 45 seconds features client Myra Vasquez discussing the helicopter crash that took her husband's life. In the last 37 seconds, partner Scott Krist describes the outcome of the ensuing wrongful death case, including the nondisclosure of some key evidence by the defendant.

Although filmed in high-definition, the camera work and lighting could stand some improvement, and I would like to see a title at the end with the law firm's name, telephone number, and Web site, but these are small quibbles. No, it's not Michael Clayton, but it's effective marketing.

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