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Technolawyer @ Awards Gossip

By Neil J. Squillante | Thursday, May 18, 2006

I thought I'd share some TechnoLawyer @ Awards gossip:

• A fair number of people have voted for TechnoLawyer for Favorite Legal Web Site and Favorite Blawg. Thank you for your support notwithstanding our ineligibility!

• Dennis Kennedy has recused himself from the voted @ Awards since he authored the E-Discovery Cheat Sheet we're giving to all those who vote. Dennis bowed out of his own accord as we have not received any complaints. He remains eligible for Blawgger of the Year, a statistically-determined @ Award.

• One person submitted a ballot not to vote for a product, but to vote against it! Ha! Even better, here's another ballot we received: "I would be diluting the quality of the vote if I opined on any of these products or services." Here's another favorite of mine: "I am a new member and don't have a clue as to any of the answers."

• Here are some interesting statistics: 18% of voters leave their subject line blank. The most popular subject line is "TechnoLawyer @ Awards Ballot" (29%). Some of my favorite ballot subject lines: "Take My Vote, Please," "Voting: Hope I Did This Right," and "Terrible Way to Conduct a Survey"

Regarding that last subject line, I apologize for our retro voting method, but it does a really good job of preventing fraud. Voting ends on May 19th! Vote today and download your copy of the TechnoLawyer E-Discovery Cheat Sheet by Dennis Kennedy.

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